Enrolment Information for Year 7-12

Local intake school

John Forrest Secondary College is a local-intake school. The State Government determines the local-intake area.

Any child whose usual place of residence is within the intake area for the school will be offered a place.

Applications from outside the local-intake area will be considered only if there is capacity or a student has been selected into one of the College's Department of Education approved specialist programs. Priority is given to applications from outside of the local intake area when a sibling is already enrolled at the College.

For more information on the local-intake boundaries please visit Schools Online.

If you would like to take a tour of our College, please contact us to arrange an appointment with one of our Deputy Principals on (08) 9473 4000.

Enrolment Procedures

Application for Enrolment

Under the following provisions of the School Education Act 1999:

  • Section 16 (1A) a person who wishes to make an application for enrolment at a school is to provide the usual place of residence of the enrollee child and the parents/adult who is responsible for the child;
  • Section 16(2) the principal may require documentary evidence to be provided;
  • Section 17 where there is a change in the place of residence notice of the change is to be given to the principal by the parent of the enrollee; and
  • Section 20 the principal may cancel the enrolment of an enrollee at the school if the principal is satisfied that the enrolment was obtained by the giving of false or misleading information or section 17 (notice of change of place of residence) has not been complied with.

The following documentation must be submitted before any request to enrol will be considered.

  • Completed Application for Enrolment form.
  • Full Birth Certificate of the child being enrolled or Passport and VISA if the child was born overseas.
  • Medicare Card.
  • AIR Immunisation History Statement, available from Medicare via your MyGov website, Medicare Express Plus app, visiting Medicare or Centrelink or calling 1800 653 809.
  • Family Court documents regarding custody arrangements.
  • Proof of ownership of the property (eg. rates notice) or a copy of the current rental agreement (minimum 12 months)
  • THREE further pieces of evidence to confirm their residency at the address provided on the Application for Enrolment. These may include:
    • Utility bill showing usage.
    • Internet connection account and details.
    • Contents insurance.
    • Electoral Roll information/changes.
    • Official correspondence from a government department, such as Medicare, Taxation Office, Centrelink or Department of Human Services.

These documents must be current for the date of commencement at the College; and

  • Evidence of the most recent academic achievement from previous school, ie either Interim, Semester 1 or Semester 2 Reports.

Upon receiving this documentation the college will consider the application to determine if the college can provide an appropriate education program within the existing resource constraints.

If we are unable to accept your application to enrol you will be notified.

Download: Submit an Application for Enrolment form (PDF).   Closing date for Year 7 2026 enrolments is Friday 18 July 2025.

Application for Enrolment enquiries to johnforrest.sc@education.wa.edu.au

Enrolment Interview

If the student's application has been successful, the parent/guardian of the prospective student may be contacted to arrange an interview with the Deputy Principal.  On arrival for this interview you may receive the enrolment forms to complete and return to the enrolling officer.  Parents/Guardians may be required to arrange an interview to finalise subject selection and be familiarised with the College's policies and procedures.  Both parent/guardian and student are required to attend this interview.