Schools First Impact Awards 2010
John Forrest And Mpa Skills Parnership State Winners Of Schools First Impact Awards 2010
This partnership allows senior students to commence a part-time college-based apprenticeship in plumbing or painting and decorating concurrently with the completion of their Year 11 and 12 studies. The training is delivered by the industry partners on the college site with many mutual benefits evolving as a result. MPA Skills is an industry-based and industry-focused Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and a not-for-profit Group Training Company which is highly regarded throughout industry. The program which began in 2007 is an initiative to train local youth at an early age whilst at school and then progress them as employees through 'MPA Skills Group Training Scheme'. Students in the program complete Year 11 and 12 qualifying with a West Australian Certificate of Education and a Pre‐Apprenticeship qualification which provides a pathway to a full apprenticeship (Certificate III level) qualification. MPA Skills' major strength is its link to industry which makes the delivery of the training unique as it is truly industry focused and industry driven. This is a highly regarded partnership model which provides great benefits to both partners.