John Forrest Secondary College welcomed special guests to join staff and students for the 2016 ANZAC Day Assembly. The college was again pleased to welcome Mr Ted Dubberlin, OAM ED JPO, Secretary, Bedford/Morley RSL. Mr Dubberlin has been attending our ANZAC assemblies for the last ten years. Other guests included Doug Fettes, Vietnam Veteran, Lisa Baker, MLA, Member for Maylands, Councillor Barry McKenna, The Mayor, Megan Lloyd, Chairperson of the College Board, Ian Robertson, College Board member and Wayne Wilson, MPA Skills.
John Forrest Secondary College proudly holds their own ANZAC Assembly every year and are very appreciative of their special guests who every year take the time to attend.
Melissa Gillett, Principal, gave the ANZAC Address and recognised that 2016 represents significant anniversaries in our wartime history. It is the 100th anniversary of some of the most deadly battles on the Western Front and it is also the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in Vietnam. Melissa shared with the students, staff and guests the history of the Battle of Long Tan and the broader Vietnam War and the implications it had for those soldiers who returned.
Due to our ever expanding numbers, we decided to hold the assembly in the Kelso Quad. The weather was kind and it proved to be a perfect venue for the occasion.
Thanks go to the Chamber Choir who sang My Love's in Germany, send him Home, William Cook who played the Last Post the College Band who played incidental music and Mr Vic Grzejszczyk for his attention to detail and organisation of this assembly. Mention must also be made of how proud we are of our students who were attentive and respectful during the entire assembly.