Activity day to Mundaring
The Bush Ranger activity day at Mundaring was pretty awesome.
We had the opportunity to learn about one of the biggest wildlife conservation programs ever undertaken in Australia. The Western Shield project "aims to return the balance and mix of native animals in selected areas of WA's environment to levels comparable to pre-European settlement."
After the introductory talk we mixed our bait and set up our Sheffield traps before heading off on a guided walk of the local environment.
It wasn't long before we headed back to check our traps. Amazingly every group had an animal in its cage.
We carefully identified, sexed and took a number of measurements before releasing the animals. It was lucky that no one was bitten by their animals.
After lunch we met Sue a wildlife rehabilitator and some of the animals that she looks after. There was a Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Carnaby's Cockatoo, Ring Tailed Possum, Kangaroo Joey and my favourite Lulu the Echidna. Hopefully I didn't miss any.
Finally, we spent some time examining a series of tracks, scat and other markings left behind by various animals to try and identify which animals they were. The cadets were brilliant at this and managed to get most of them on the first go.
It was a great day and I hope that everyone who went agrees. Thanks to all the staff involved and to Keira and Yvonne for coming to help out.
Alistair Cummings
Bush Ranger Coordinator