A team of six students comprising Rama Sugiartha, Emma Pearce and Bismanpreet Kaurfrom Year 8 and Leonardo Ivanovic, Zane Te Wano and Mirko Petrusich from Year 7 represented the College in a Have Sum Fun Competition on a Friday night in March. Below are the impressions of the night from two of the students.


On Friday 16 March the Have Sum Fun Maths competition was held at Duncraig Senior High School for teams of Year 7s and 8s. John Forrest entered one team of three Year 7's and three Year 8's into the tough problem-solving competition. The teams were put through four rounds of 20 minutes. In the 20 minutes, eight difficult problem-solving questions had to be answered plus a tiebreaker sheet that needed to be completed for the case of a tie. Our team put in a good effort with a score of 20 out of 32 questions correct however this wasn't enough to beat the top teams. Despite not winning the team still had smiles on their faces at the end of the night after a long, but exciting challenge.


During the term a team of six students, three students from Year 7 and three from Year 8, were given the opportunity to attend the MAWA Have Sum Fun mathematics competition at Duncraig SHS during the evening of the 16 March. We were faced with multiple rounds of problem solving questions, each with eight questions of varying intensity, to which we collaborated on to successfully complete.  Notwithstanding the fact we were not the champions of the event, but placing near the middle of the ladder, it was a fantastic fun-filled, evening where new friendships with like-minded people were formed and we all learnt something new along the way. Thank you to the Mathematics Department for providing us with this wonderful opportunity.

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