This Term has seen the Year 12 Certificate II Retail Services students operate a takeaway cafe business located at the College for six weeks. The students voted on a name for the business - "Johnno's Expresso".
Teacher Ms Sinclair had nothing but praise for these students. "They have really impressed me with their willingness to try a variety of roles offered (e.g. supervisor, delivery, coffee shots, kitchen hand, milk texturing) and how committed they are to operating it efficiently. So many students have really grown in confidence and have developed some great skills. We are getting really lovely feedback about the quality of the products and service. This year we also introduced reusable take away cups and these have been well received by staff. Thanks for making my job enjoyable, you have all been amazing!".
Feedback from Staff –
"Great standard, lovely flavour and correct sipping temp for in-class, awesome bikkie"
"Top coffee, well done"
"Great coffee first up. Congratulations on the coffee, service and the new reusable coffee cup arrangement."
"Love Mondays. We (PE Staff) love Monday morning coffee. Always polite."
Monday 11 June, the Year 7 enrichment class had the opportunity to watch the Year 12's in action showing off their coffee making skills. The Year 7 students are currently doing a program called $20 Boss which is an immersive entrepreneurship program for secondary school students. Students receive $20 of start-up money to create their own business over a school term. This program is designed to equip young people with enterprise skills.
By observing the Year 12's and having that face-to-face experience the Year 7 students were able to learn a few things about managing and running a business. This allowed the students to really think about their theoretical business and decide if they could use what they have learnt to improve their business.
The Year 7's said they had fun watching the Year 12's make coffee, one student said "When I am in the older classes I want to make coffee for the teachers." A few students were lucky enough to even try a hot chocolate, much to their delight.