On Tuesday 31 July the College was privileged to have 36 students from Sanda visit for a one day program. John Forrest students paired up with the Sanda students as their buddy for the day.
The formal component of the day began with a heartfelt welcome in Japanese by our Yr 11 ATAR students. Sanda students then explained various aspects of their school life and hometown in English, which students found very interesting. Following this all students shared their knowledge during a competitive Kahoot competition in both languages. At the end of formalities students enjoyed a Koala bento which included party pies, fairy bread and lamingtons.
During both period one and five visiting students joined their buddies in their regular Tuesday classes and they were also able to mix with their buddies friendship groups during break times.
It is always wonderful to witness the positive exchange between our cultures; the caring nature of our students and the friendships made during this short time. Visiting staff and students have expressed their heartfelt appreciation to the College and their desire to continue these annual visits.
Phil Chadwick
HOLA The Arts/ Languages