Mr Brown's Big Boggle Bash
July started with the inaugural "Mr Brown's Big Boggle Bash". This competition was inspired by our own Mr Dayna Brown and was a huge success!
Open to all Year 7 and Year 8 students, the turnout was tremendous and the College library filled with students keen to join in. After a few exciting team rounds, we moved to an individual play-off. Congratulations to all of the prize winners: Jessica Kong, who won the $25 movie voucher, and Tahlia Harris, Holly Thoms, Christloraine Aquino, Fatima Zyna, Elixis Webb, Meg Ireland, Thuvarraga Peter and Gwen Green, who also scored admirably in the final round.
Upper school students Mia Cooke, Dahli Brown and Nan-Dewi Aye gave up their lunch break and did a brilliant job adjudicating, alongside some of our wonderful staff who are always ready to pitch in to make our Literacy projects notable events.
Students really enjoyed the competition and there was a lot of positive feedback - and some constructive criticism that we can take into account to make future events even better.
"The Boggle Bash was fun but I wish it lasted a bit longer." - Carlos Augustine
"The Boggle was very exciting. I think the prizes were a smart idea." - Mik Stankoski
"In my opinion, the Boggle Bash was super fun and interesting. It should be longer." - Daniel Nguyen
"The Boggle Bash was fun because we had to find words. It was hard and Lynton, Fernando and I were panicking. I also liked that we got snakes and chocolates." - Liam Palmer
Well done to everyone involved. Future Boggle Bash competitions are definitely on the cards.
Louise Santarelli
Literacy Coordinator