English Students Experience University Life
Late Term 2, English and Literature Year 12 students travelled to Curtin University for the annual English and Literature Conference. Now in its 33rd year, the conference allows secondary school students from across the state to experience what university life entails, from planning and arranging their own transportation to campus through to negotiating campus and attending lectures.
Our students attended lectures along with Year 12s from many schools such as Perth Modern, Scotch College and Margaret River SHS. These lectures not only gave students the chance to see what university life could hold for them, but also complemented their current ATAR English or Literature studies providing invaluable information and exam tips. Some of the lectures the students attended included:
- Reading Film as a Multimodal Text
- Understanding Narrative Structure
- Composing: Persuasive and Interpretive writing
- Intertextual Reading in the Literature Curriculum
- Composing: Imaginative Writing
- Connecting with Australian Poetry
- Understanding Perspective
- Understanding Genre
- Exam Techniques for Literature: Section 1
As usual the John Forrest students conducted themselves in an exemplary manner with a teacher from another school commenting on their positive attitude and friendliness. A good day was had by all, and everyone came away with a book full of notes and a taste of uni life.