HASS Week 2019
What do Julius Caesar, Karl Marx, a Suffragette and a Chimney Sweep have in common? HASS Week at JFSC is what!
Week 3 this term was dedicated to celebrating the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Learning Area at John Forrest. Staff and students were entertained through the week as the HASS Teachers dressed as various historical characters and Drama students performed short skits at lunch times and at the assembly.
The HASS knowledge of our students was celebrated as the results of the Australian Geography Competition from early 2019 were received. Four Year 7s, eight Year 8s, one Year 9 and seven Year 10 students receiving High Distinctions. Year 9 student Emma Pearce finished within the top 1% of her year for the nation – congratulations Emma!
Students were invited to the library to delve into their own past by placing stickers on a world map representing where their ancestors came from and further highlight the amazing multicultural nature of the College community. Items from Ms de Beer's Nan's shed were also on display for students to examine and try to identify.
The week's celebrations culminated in a Medieval Fair where a vast array of activities were on offer to students. These included apple bobbing, "Pelt the Prisoner" in the stocks, paint a country on a biscuit, match the flag to the country activity, pool noodle jousting and medieval entertainers.
Congratulations to the HASS Teachers on a fantastic HASS Week 2019 which was enjoyed by all the staff and students.