School Based Traineeships pays off
During 2018 and 2019, Isabella Huynh (Class of 2019 graduate) participated in School Based Traineeship with the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Here she gained a Certificate II in Government which she completed 2-days a week over the two years.
From this Isabella secured herself a position as an Information Management and Technology Officer at the Department of Premier and Cabinet straight after completing Year 12.
The School Based Traineeship Program proved to be an invaluable experience for Isabella:
I would definitely recommend the school based traineeship program to other students. It gives you a new aspect of life after school in the "real world". This job builds skills in problem solving every day technical issues as well as management and prioritising your workload with what is required to be completed when and where. By completing this school based traineeship, you receive a Certificate II in Government, which looks exceptional on your resumes for future employment.
My experiences included secluding documents for the Premier in record keeping, submitting invoices in finance, updating first aid kits and completing ergonomic assessments in Human Resources and resolving staff member technological issues with hardware, software or accounts. In each area I've practiced initiative to stay on task with no jobs to complete. I also learnt how to work with a more mature age group of colleagues compared to my other job at McDonald's. This has taught me how to communicate as well as how to work alongside with my colleagues. It has helped me to grow to become an adult in an outside working environment.
I'm currently on a fixed term contract as an Information Management and Technology officer at the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. I work as the administrator for the team and is the first one to answer the phones from people externally and internally in the building. This area was part as one of the courses that I completed as a traineeship and was thankfully chosen to complete a six month contract till the end of February.