Senior Drama Night showcases Antigone
On Tuesday 17 September the Year 11 and 12 Drama students performed an ensemble based showcase of excerpts from Antigone. This was a culmination of the years studies as revealed by Year 11 student Ronan Kavanagh below:
In Year 11 & 12 Drama we have studied the roots of theatre, and to fully immerse ourselves in its history, we worked together to create an ensemble piece based on the key story elements from Antigone.
True to Greek plays typically consisting of only two characters in a scene, we performed in pairs, with each partnership adapting an important scene from the Tragedy.
After a short chorus scene involving the ensemble, every team’s scene was set, and played out.
Skills such as spatial awareness were especially important to develop for the ensemble scene, along with using our fundamental voice and movement skills as actors.
This performance was delivered to our friends and families which topped off a year of self-development and cooperative group work.