Year 12 Physics and Chemistry UWA Visit
On Monday 18 February 2019 Year 12 Physics and Chemistry ATAR Students visited the University of Western Australia (UWA) to sample life in science beyond High School.
Students were given the opportunity to make and purify a sample of aspirin in the First Year Chemistry laboratories. This was followed by an array of Physics demonstrations as well as practical experiments.
This was an enjoyable and enlightening experience for all involved as illustrated by Tamsyn Wirtz:
"On the 18th of February the Year 12 ATAR Physics and Chemistry classes went on an excursion to UWA. We began by making aspirin in a Chemistry lab and then moved to the Physics building where we rotated around different stations and investigated magnetism, liquid nitrogen, angular motion and superconductivity. It was a very enjoyable and insightful experience and allowed us to see how Physics and Chemistry operate at a tertiary level."