Year 9 HASS aids refugees' food security
Year 9 HASS students recently took part in an investigation into Food Security and the impact being food insecure has on communities.
As part of their project, students gathered pantry bag items for a local organisation, Centre for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees (CARAD) Inc which supports refugees, asylum seekers, and detainees in Perth.
Many students got creative and worked at family businesses, requested food donations, and held delicious bake sales at school to raise money to purchase the food items.
Our Year 9s brought in an amazing 50 bags and boxes of food which overwhelmed our expectations. In addition to the pantry bags, students wrote caring and empathetic notes of supports for CARAD's clients. These items were collected by CARAD during Week 9 Term 3.
We are so proud of their efforts in improving the lives of people in our community and look forward to this becoming a yearly service event at JFSC.